Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Blues

As much as I love the weekend, I just dread Sunday nights. It feels so daunting every Sunday to know that I will be sitting at my desk the next day. I think the feeling of powerless get stronger with the longer you work. It also doesn't help that my work environment is far from ideal other than being close to home. In fact by the end of many days, I end up chanting those words often in my head. 

It isn't any one thing in particular that makes the work experience less than desirable. It is accumulation of many things that makes me want to run from the job. I'm in a bit of a no win situation with growing my career. I'm finally in the career path I want to be in but find myself challenging myself with moving forward rather than my group or leadership. 

Also, little did I know that it was a family-run company when I first joined. I have worked with a small family involved company in the past and when I discovered the current situation I should have gotten the hell out of there. However, I didn't and now I am in it until I find an opportunity that is a true match for me. In the past, I have jumped into a lot of jobs head first and have gotten lucky a few times. I have met some great people and learned a lot about the personalities I want to work with in my career. Right now, I'm going to try to be patient and wait it out.

I feel a bit guilty complaining about work since there are some people who want a job or really are in worst job situations than I am. I work because financially I know it the best thing to do for my family today and for the future. Also, as bad as my job is, it is truly entertaining sometimes when I have capability to stand back and observe the situation. Also, I have a great friend at work who is able to commiserate with me and remind me that I am not crazy but just those around me that are truly crazy.

So tonight I'm going  to try to scare those Sunday blues away...I may need a few glasses of wine to help me but I'm going to try.

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